What if human DNA code about 1,5 GB for a human is binary code with text, images, audio, video in it?

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What if human DNA code about 1,5 GB for a human is binary code with text, images, audio, video in it instead of genetically data in it? It could contain the life song of each beeing, music notes.

What if it is a unique data set of information for each human beeing?

We heard that Steve Jobs digitalized his DNA to a file!

What if the secret of the universe and our root creation essentials, and information about how our reality and body is working,  is hidden in DNA? I believe it  can be super structured data. It would prove the existence of a God or creator if we could find structured information in DNA. It could contain information about how to create a human in a laboratory,  how the universe is working, teleportation (Stargate technology), energy solutions, how to create matter, medical knowledge etc. It could also contain information about soul and spirit.

It would maybe even prove that reality is holographic and that people are holy. An electric entity solution.

Anybody got a digital file of the human DNA and tried to run a text, video, images, CAD, blueprint and audio, pdf filter on it?  Please send me a copy of digitalized DNA code to me!

It could be a quantum processing  raw data file to DNA rather than genetically data. All have secrets in DNA stored!

Windows 10 operating systems comes on 3 GB disk.  Human DNA from both father and mother have 1,5 GB of data total. Humans are more advanced than a windows installation!

There is information missing here I wrote about it in this articles:

Not enough information in DNA to build the body up from scratch


Hvorfor Charles Darwins evolusjonslære er død




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