Religious Symbols and knowledge in the times we live in!

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How is the physics of the quantum world work and how it is related to nearly supersmart reality – look below.

Some of this science below can indicate a higher intelligence than what a human has, is controlling reality – a divine creator and divine reality that is run on divine processes every day to make this reality work.

There a symbols that the time is near of the second coming of Jesus.

From the Bible: Zephaniah 3:9
For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

Genesis 11:7

Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

Genesis 11:1
Now the whole earth had one language and one speech.

A place in the Old Testament in the Bible ( I just can find the verse again) I have read that when the Lord comes again he will speak on language that all can understand.

Now we have Google Translate:

God can then speak one language (Example English) and everybody with a smartphone can install Google Translate on it and set it to listen to English speech – and select their own language (example Russian) and they can understand what God or Jesus says in their own language as Google Translate translate speech directly to text or voice in another language.

Or he just comes with a language that he makes us understand instantly.

Another symbol: Apple computers and iPhones.

This one has root in the beginning of time in Edens Garden.

God forbid them to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge in Edens Garden

They did it anyway, and they got thrown out of Edens Garden where they had everything they needed, and came into a world that was new and scary, not safe and they had to work hard.

29th of June 2007 the first Apple iPhone was released.

Then in 2007 the financial crisis started to build up! When it hit at full force one year later and on the stock market went down 50-60 % around the world. It was panic all over the world, desperation and chaos like no other time in history.

What was it? Well the apple that is eaten of is symbol of the history when Adam and Eva ate off the fruit of three and knowledge.

Well the same time the iPhone got released and Apple logo on the iPhone is an apple that is eaten off.

The iPhone symbolizes that we had now a device that had the ability to communicate in every corner of the world to any other corner, we could communicate and translate text, send video, sound, e-mail, take and send pictures and video to anybody, find any location with GPS, a device that had access to all of the information in the world(the Internet) at your finger tips. (tree of knowledge)

And what does it look like when we hold “The Apple” iPhone is in front of our face/ mouth while we are talking in phone? It looks like we are chewing / eating of an Apple!

The symbolism of this is a masterpiece.

After that the world with all people got thrown into a scary and new world.

Now a look to the apple(“forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge”) in Edens Garden that was eaten off!:

Maybe a horse ate off that apple(“the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge”)in Edens Garden?

God told Adam and Eva not to eat of the “forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge”)

There is no story of that God told told the horse not to eat of the “forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge”

and then maybe Adam and Eva is innocent?

When somebody dies:
When somebody dies a relativ can in remote location from the person that dies, without being told, read, phoned or listen to other persons; they can pinpoint the exact time “George” died. It is that they instantly know that the person is dead. What is this type of communication between people thru the univers to other people?

They say people often dies on Thursdays.

It says that the soul weighs 21 grams, and that when people die they go down 21 grams in weight.

They made a movie about it called 21 grams:

In science: “The God particle” called Higgs Boson.,tools%20to%20probe%20these%20phenomena.

The Cern facility with particle accelerator and the whole installation cost something like $22 billion

Look at this scientific movie: ♡ What the Bleep do We Know ♡ If thoughts can do this to water imagine… ♡

Global Consciousness Project:

When some event like new year or terror happen, a bunch of random number generators (that produce digital 0 or 1 random) spread all over the world starts to behave differently at that exact moment.

The odds against chance are more than a trillion to one for this to happen.

It can look alitel bit like the “Butterfly effect”

The Double Slit Experiment:

If you put “God” into the equation when you monitoring which slit the electron went thru you could solve it by saying: since you are measuring which slit the electron goes thru then I God(Universe) must give you an exact answer and that is why you get the two band and no interference pattern.

Quantum Eraser -is a continuation of the Double Slit Experiment.

In Norwegian:


Hvis det er en simulert virkelighet vi lever i eller vi i Gud, så er det en kjempejobb å lage systemet(kjempejobb av Gud å skape det, kjempejobb av menneske å oppdage tingene man kan gjøre med materie) (universet med regler som man må programmere inn først) man er i så man kan se disse effektene:

In English:

Great achievement:

If we are living in a simulated reality or we live inside God, then it is a great job done to make the system(a great job by God to make the system, and a great research job by humans to find out all the things they can do with matter)(Universe with all the rules that need to be programmed først into the systems. that we live inn and can see the effects.:

Quantum mechanics

Quantum Entanglement

“Quantum information can travel faster than light, most likely it is instant”

Quantum information science – Quantum Communication:

If we could build a unit that could harvest the smart intelligent system of Quantum Communication thru example entanglement we could get a terrabit internet connection anywhere not only on earth but in space too that have coverage all over the universe and on earth, where like radiosignals are blocked by example mountains, quantum communication does not need a strait line of free sight.

Quantum channel:

Quantum teleportation:

Two links that show example how small an electron is:

The Scale of the Universe

Also see this links:

Universe with 10 dimensions?:,universe%20operates%20with%2010%20dimensions.

Islam think Messias (Jesus Christ) lives now in this time.

I think the song:

Sia – The Greatest

viewed 683 911 769 times from 6. sep. 2016 to 2 of October 2020

is subliminal trying to tell that Jesus is living now because she sings: “The Greatest Alive!”

Lyrics “The Greatest”:

Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
Oh, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
Well, oh, I got stamina
And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
But I, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, I need another lover, be mine
Cause I, I, I got staminaDon’t give up, I won’t give up
Don’t give up, no no no
Don’t give up, I won’t give up
Don’t give up, no no noI’m free to be the greatest, I’m alive
I’m free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest
The greatest, the greatest alive
The greatest, the greatest aliveWell, uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
Oh, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
But, oh oh, I got stamina
And oh yeah, running through the waves of love
But I, I got stamina
And oh yeah, I’m running and I’ve just enough
And uh-oh, I got staminaDon’t give up, I won’t give up
Don’t give up, no no no
Don’t give up, I won’t give up
Don’t give up, no no noI’m free to be the greatest, I’m alive
I’m free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest
The greatest, the greatest alive
The greatest, the greatest alive (oh oh)Oh-oh, I got stamina (ooh hoo ooh)
Oh-oh, I got stamina (ooh hoo ooh)
Oh-oh, I got stamina (ooh hoo ooh)
Oh-oh, I got stamina (ooh hoo)Ay, I am the truth
Ay, I am the wisdom of the fallen, I’m the youth
Ay, I am the greatest
Ay, this is the proof
Ay, I work hard, pray hard, pay dues, ay
I transform with pressure, I’m hands-on with effort
I fell twice before, my bounce back was special
Letdowns’ll get you, and the critics will test you
But the strong’ll survive, another scar may bless you, ahDon’t give up (no no), I won’t give up (no no)
Don’t give up, no no no (nah)
Don’t give up, I won’t give up
Don’t give up, no no noI’m free to be the greatest, I’m alive
I’m free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest
The greatest, the greatest alive (don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up, no no no)
The greatest, the greatest alive (don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up, no no no)The greatest, the greatest alive (don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up, no no no)
The greatest, the greatest alive (don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up, no no no)
The greatest, the greatest alive (don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up, no no no)
The greatest, the greatest alive (I got stamina)
The greatest, the greatest alive (I got stamina)
The greatest, the greatest alive (I got stamina)Source: LyricFind

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