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The Cube

I want to build a machine that is so big and advanced that it might cost 12 million world economies at@ about $ 130 Trillion Dollars per year world economy a total cost of $ 1 560 000 000 000 000 000 000, about $ 1 560 000  Trillion dollars.

The cube and the systems is to cure any any dissas, wounds, destroyed body, missing limbs, blood problems, psychiatric or mental problem.

That is how big the problem is and we need to start working now. And that cost can be to fix one human, of course this can be done in another way in the future that it will be cheaper and cheaper to fix each human.

The human body should be complete and without no sickness or vulnerability.

Motherboard Short Circuit Failure


Motherboard short circuit failure can mean:

Something serious like fault in computer electronics or humor:

1. Mortherboard short circuited (stopped working) (damaged) (broken)(something smells funny plastic electronic burned things)

2. Motherboard Failed to short circuit (failed to self destruct) or continued to worked (past life time) did not stop up as expected.

3. There is an error in the short circuit (loop or something not working or working as expected = cracy) There is a short circuit in the circuit or short circuit circuit circuit.

4. Something is getting very hot! (Overload) + polarity meets – polarity withnothing between or something between having a very bad day.

5. Fuses will go!

6. Power will go away!

7. Something is now short (missing on or more) of a circuit, broken, or missing! Need replacement! Warranty! Insurance claim, and/or new work must be done, money must be paid!

(People are angry about electronics that fail, that again causes software to fail, services, or something not working!

8. Reset must be pressed! Power off and restart! (press reset button on computer or electronic/smarthpones etc)

9. And many more logical errors like divide by zero!

10. Something yet not solved, hard to fix, difficult to fix, expensive to fix, something very very complicated to fix, discovered or unknown source of problem!

Criminal electronic, software and logic breakdown

I Write this as a private persons and behalf of many people who bought electronics and businesses that had electronic (and software ) that had a breakdown to earn money on selling new equipment that just produce garbage that belongs in hell.

I have never produced as privat person or business this electronics parts.

Very sadly this electronic works for short time and then it has a security breach into private areas/networks/computers/smartphones etc.

Then it can have a logical breakdown in settings of example router where configuration is not possible to set even if the user do nothing wrong, and that equipment that had a configuration looses configuration without any reason as user can see.

I started programming at age of 8, I am now 41, I have built computers by hand like part for part from circuit suppliers, todays electronic should not behave the way it does now.This is serious breakdown that must be reset because people loose faith in electronics, like smartphones, internet, computers etc when this happens. I am not IT business yet that produce electronics circuits or any brand in the world. I loose a lot of faith in electronic manufactures like D-Link, TP-Link, Asus, Intel/AMD, MSI, Netgear, Linksys, Cisco, Microsoft, Linux systems and Apple/smartphones.(stupid phones)

Then it can spy on you and then systems can break down again.

Then it can stop working like two radio links on wifi network bridge that worked and configuration was set correctely.

Then the whole box like router or wifi sender/repeater/extender/basestation/router can stop working and need replacement. This just to steal time on stupidity, consume resources, pollute, and loose money. IT must stop!

All software and hardware and electronics must come with a complete user manual on paper and electronic/CD/internet for all functions and settings, and how to set it up, maintenance it, and how to handle the system and how to troubleshoot errors, solve bugs or incorrect configuration on hardware, circuits, wiring, operating system and applications/software and services, and then how to reset it!

All smartphones/tablet/computers must have a physical wired connection to network/ethernet to reset configuration/update OS or apps, or access internet or share internet connection as a router. Network connectivity in functions must go both ways not one way like wifi shared internet connection over mobile data/cellular data.

The thing is that they make something in big hurry (and sometimes with dark criminal intentions) without thinking about consequences and a complete logic that works for all users of systems.

Now they can make electronic circuits of metals, and then some composite, and then some quantum entangled dark particles and they can make big trouble, physical metal circuits are safer as long as they do not overheat or get hit by lightning/solar storms, and same is for those other types too.

Now I found out that for products I buy in shop as private or business can stop working. Even brand new product out of the box is dead the first week. (close to dead on arrival) All products that I bought is with warranty, and they do not work as expected, or not at all. Products are bought with real pluss money that is paid taxes on, no debt on it, no loan, no credit card, no pawn on it, all products are legally paid for, I have not stole the products from shop, and i know how to configure them but they stop working anyway. Big financial crash in IT business will happens soon because of this.

All data in important documents/pictures, databases must be stored on backup disk like physical hard drives, solid state discs, safest storage mediums are CD/DVD/Blu-ray and paper.

All products and manufactures lines should have a complete manufacture process description in a blueprint/document, source code from all parts of machines, software, logic, programming, operating systems, and materials used and how to create the product and how to fix it in digital format stored safely and on printed paper that is stored in a safe. The Unified Modeling Language, like a model about how it should work with correct logic that can be tested each step of the process, and that can reverse the process too for bugfixes/memory or instruction errors or flaws or security vulnerability or system vulnerability. It is like turning the system on it head, upside down, left, right, forward, up, down to see it from all angles. It must be digital and on paper.

Now all messages formats on EDI – Electronic data interchange must have complete description for each field, data point.

Now I am coming to the serious part!

I had now two TP-LINK bridge boxes that stopped working that are nearly new. Warranty should be 5 years on all electronics!

Boxes are made in China, and company is stored in USA/America.

Both too blame that this does not work, because the Netgear router did not seem to have much electron in it and it has never been used, brand new from shop! IT seems like a mirage/image fake “hallucination” Astral? Quantum entangled particles? Black particles! I do not know what to belive because I know how a box like that should look like inside. Somebody put more products in shops now into a combustion oven and record it with human eyes and cameras what is happening to each product and what is left. Please record what is left and turn it around on each side and record what materials are left. This is fraud! IT should be real products that works after international established standards and follow protocols and systems design as it is presented to be as.

This products are bought in a real shop in Norway!(Norge) After burning it: Other problem is that the Netgear router should have metal circuit inside and i find nothing left of it as I could expect!

This video is made to prove a point and demonstrate how dangerous it is to trust people/electronics, systems and things! This is done in real world with real products to tell them to stop this shit! I am not here to harm produces/factories, users, customers, or companies but they must understand corruption and how dangerous it is when they do not use their heads correctly and pure. Big catastrophe!!!!. If electronic/software or services can manipulate peoples mind and body to commit sins or crimes they are the one to be punished who made this not the person that do the sin or crime. It is really dangerous if systems crash, disappear/ stolen or disappear into thin air, are fake, stop working, are hacked or manipulated! it is crazy and insane! Something in systems, System world, world and human world and humans will will then stop working in some way. Enough! Products or items should if they are pure and holy live for ever and not stop working. This consume and throw philosophy must come to an end.

Evidence in pictures and video below:

Two TP LINK and one NETGEAR box burning!

Two white Ribbons and Wreath to funeral and cremation of electronics:

Politisk overlevelse av standpunkt

Sist oppdatert Torsdag 4 Mars 2021, klokken 22:22

“Jeg som en politiker for kun en dag lager så mye skade!”

Dette har ikke noe med kjøring i ruspåvirket tilstand, sinnsforvirrelse, road rage, men “reality rage correction of something wrong” realitets test av påstander mot påstander! Jeg vant soleklart! Dette er saken ingen vil vite av men politi, brannvesen, ambulanse, og viking redningstjeneste så bilen etter at den hadde truffet betongveggen, spør dem om det er sant hvis dere tviler. Jeg var eneste passasjer!

Jeg kan fremdeles kjøre så godt og så hardt at alkoholikeren skrur igjen korken på flasken i baksetet på en Porsche Cayenne i Kyiv. Jeg liker store sterke og tunge ting som Hummer H2, Humvee når jeg i USA, som har problemer med å stanse fordi gummi skriker og svir seg når man trykker bremsen foran et kryss!

En gang jeg var innom Akershus Universitetssykehus fikk jeg innsyn i journal og der stod at jeg “voldtok mørkhudede kvinner” Jeg har aldri vært sammen med en mørkhudet kvinne og aldri voldtatt noen i hele mitt liv, så jeg viste de løy både journal og i retten som de representere seg som staten. Jeg vet med 100 % sikkerhet at jeg ikke har voldtatt noen i hele mitt liv. Sykehuset og staten ble politianmeldt for disse løgnene mot meg.

Jeg sa dette til min far, som stod på balkongen: At jeg har falske anklager mot meg hvor jeg ikke har voldtatt noen som helst. Jeg sa til far at jeg garanterer at jeg kan kjøre 100 km/T og overleve uten skader på meg, jeg er ikke sikker på om f.eks Barack Obama ville overleve sammme krasjen med meg i bilen. Jeg satte dette som et enkelt tilfelle av et politisk standpunkt, og det ble testet veldig grundig!

Far sa til meg i Vestby der vi bor, i det jeg skulle kjøre inn til Oslo: At den bilen der ønsker jeg vraket!

Jeg kjører helt vanlig meg, og på vei inn i tunnel så treffer bilen en tunnelvegg mer eller mindre head on, uten at jeg ønsket å vrake den tunnelveggen og bilen og heller ikke hadde intensjon/handling om å gjøre det. Bilen ville ikke leve mer for å si det slik så den tok selvmord.

DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME OR ANYWHERE ELSE! Ikke prøv det samme som meg hjemme eller andre steder!

SE bilde: (ser du den bilden er lei seg for selvmordsforsøket noen prøvde å gjøre på den)

Bilen treffer betongen så hardt i tunnelen at jeg var med redd for at tunnelen skulle rase sammen! Den lander på hodet som du ser av bildet! Da den spratt av betongveggen da jeg og bilen ikke liker å stå fast. (i betongveggen eller søla eller noe sted! )

Det var en Land Rover Discovery V8 Bensin motor på 3.9 liter slagvolum!

Airbaggen utløses, alt er på hodet, sikkerhetsbeltet vil jeg ikke tenke eller snakke om.

Det er vanskelig å komme ut av en boks som er så godt sammenklemt(derfor må alle ha en nødhammer i bilen med stift/og slegge på den andre siden, det er ikke alltids mulig å knuse ruten med foten en gang, så hardt kan bil glass være.

Jeg finner ut at dørene foran fungerer heller dårlig etter dette, men en bakdør på høyre side fungerer bra så vidt, som du ser av bildet så måtte “might foot enganged” Terminator sparken den opp!

Det var ikke noe kasko forsikring på den bilen selv om den var forsikret som del kasko(det betyr at man ikke tjener noe på å ødelegge bilen og det var ikke noe pant i den bilen/gjeldfri) som jeg forstår av min far som har vist meg at han avtale med et forsikringsselskap.

Bensin lakk ut, noe som så ut kinesere kom bak meg i en annen bil, og jeg spurte dem så de hva som skjedde?`Ikke noe svar, bare at de vil dra meg unna, jeg er helt rolig avbalansert etter den krasjen, bilen må jo gjerne eksplodere også fordi den er totalvrak! Dette er ikke noe sjokktilstand for meg å havne opp i slike ting.

Jeg tenkte inni meg “hva var det jeg sa?”

Standpunktet mitt som politisk utsagn(uten å ha noe verv/tilknytning til stat/politikk osv, ) om at jeg ikke har voldtatt noen viste seg da å være sann ja, dvs at sykehuset AHUS ved staten lyver alvorlig, og det vet jeg og alle andre snart! På veien tilbake i bilen henter jeg ut en koffert, og kutter meg litte bitte granne på et knust glassskår på fingeren, men da er jo kollisjonen over. Jeg går først til politibilen og sier noe sånt som at ” det var ikke meg som gjorde det”(at bilen kræsjet=litt større krefter i sving) Se bare på bildet hvor mye et politisk standpunkt kan ødelegge noe/noen.

Så blir jeg fraktet til ambulansen bak politiet(og kranbil “VIKING” og brannvesen la på brannhemmende pulver i tunnelen der bensinen hadde lekket ut. Jeg sitter i ambulansen som skal ta meg til AHUS, og der sitter den søt kvinnelig ambulansepersonale som het Lydia hvor jeg viser at jeg har et lite rift i en finger som blør og hun tar frem et plaster å setter på fingrene min så jeg får dull og kos at noen steller pent med meg.

JEg kom til sykehuset og ble undersøkt uten noen form for brudd, eller andre skader, jeg følte meg helt frisk og bra som vanlig, jeg bare skrev meg selv ut og bare dro derfra fordi jeg vet ikke hvor personalet på sykehuset ble av etter det! De må jo ha gått i en tenkeboks over hva de sier og gjør.

Noen må gi meg og far en ny bil til hver av oss etter sånn krig mot staten for å banke sannheten ut av virkeligheten, slik krigføring koster materiell og mennesker kunne ha vært skadet av det! Bilen av kanskje ikke ny, men den hadde en bruksverdi som alle LandRover fans og eiere vet at de er ganske sterke og uslitelig biler i forhold til en vanlig bil.

Overlevde Barack Obama? Se på bilet av vraket, jeg satt der på den siden hvor rattet er, hvor ruten ikke er knust helt(på høyre side av bildet hvor den ennå er litt glass/reflektor i lykten igjen, det andre hullet på pasasjer siden er det et hull i glasset innover! JEg traff ingenting annet enn en vegg, også veien, og traff ikke skilt, personer, ting osv, så hvordan kan da ruten være knust innover?

(hvis vi ikke går i reverse i en tidslinje for å hente inn annen “fiktiv person” som har vært utsatt for kollisjon hvor personen satt som passasjer og gikk ut av ruten i en bil et sted i verdenen, og gikk så usynlig inn igjennom ruten på Land Roveren som jeg kjørte)

Bilen gikk først i vegen så flippet på siden og over på taket! Det stod Range Rover på fronten av panseret på bilen, men en feil hos biloppretter gjorde at de skrev det istendfor :”Land Rover” (da fronten røyk av bilen i en oppoverbakke en gang før det!) Det er en Land Rover, JEg snudde det opp ned og Range roofer (noe som taker/landet på taket) Tak speideren! Fordi Land Rover betyr lande speideren! Ra nge Rover betyr på en måte Gud speider! Så var da gulvet i tunellen opp ned og der bilen lå var det i taket? Land roofer! Disse bilene har tippet før pga høyt tyngdepunkt, eierene er da mer lei seg for skadene på bilen enn seg selv da, det er stor sorg hver gang!

Det var et kjempebang, både trykk og lyd, og ødeleggelser som viser hvordan det går når noen lyver om viktige ting!

Jeg er ingen politiker! Men det var ingen andre løse gjenstander (som kunne flydd ut da de ville ha ligget igjen i veibanen) og heller ikke andre personer enn meg i bilen.

Jeg kom hjem til far uten bilen selvfølgelig, og sa jeg er som Ånden i lampen, din befaling er min vilje, nå er bilen vraket og jeg er fremdeles uskyldig!

Snipp Snapp Snute så er virkeligheten ute!

Hvorfor skjer ting: gode eller dårlige ting i livet?

Jeg skulle for en stund siden rygge ut av parkeringsplassen jeg stod på.

Jeg snur meg og ser bakover i bak ruten at en rød bil kjøre forbi meg, men på venstre side bak var den stolpe fra karosseriet til bilen som lagde en dø sone. På min venstre side så stod det en bil og skygget også og lagde en dø sone for den rød bilen som hadde stoppet like bak meg. Jeg rygget forsiktig og traff den kanskje i så maks 2 km/t. Det ble en liten sprekk i plastikken og det ble taksert til å kostet litt over 10 000 kroner å fikse. Jeg sa unnskyld og sa la oss skrive skademeldingsskjema det er min feil at dette skjedde og at jeg ikke hadde intensjon til å skade bilen hans. Jeg har forsikringen i orden så han får fikset skaden.

Problemet ute av verdenen!

Nå hvorfor skjedde dette?

Var det for at jeg eller han skulle møte og kjenne ny mennesker?

Kanskje det var for å spore av min plan eller hans plan for dagen, få oss til å tenke på noe annet.

Var det bare et meningsløst lite uhell?

Var det banken til verkstedet hans som trengte penger?

Staten som trengte skatteinntekter mva og firma skatt på biter og arbeid?

Hva om det var mekaniker, bilverksted som trengte penger og at det skjedde av den grunn?

Kanskje er produsent av plastikk biter til bilen som trengte penger?

Kanskje er billakkering selskapet som trenger penger?

Kanskje forsikringsselskapet hans trengte transaksjoner fra mitt selskap?

Var det bare for å kaste bort tid og penger? Djevelen elsker verdiløse og meningsløse ting.

Var det bare for å vise at noe meningsløst uhell kan inntreffe bare fordi det er et meningsløst uhell og ikke noe annet. (vakuum). Jeg mener mye har mening, men meningsløshet kan ha mening hvis det er for å bevise at noe er meningsløst, og det er ikke gitt at alt skal ha mening!

Hva om det var noen/noe som ville at jeg skulle betale mer i forsikring pga bonus tap?

Noen ganger kan det være meningsløst det som skjer, andre ganger kan det gi mening, andre ganger ser man ikke meningen, men den ligger der skjult, for deg og meg, men ikke for andre. Intensjon og energier. Et eksempel på realiteter!

I en annen sammensetning kan meningsløshet også våre knyttet til valg.

Du kan velge å dekke bordet med blå eller gul duk, men man har et 3dje alternativ selv om det valget ikke er presentert for deg! Det heter å ikke ta et valg altså å ikke gjøre noe, man har valgfrihet, det er ikke lov å tvinge noen til å gjøre noe.

Kjedelig er det at det koster penger og tid, men man må bare glemme det og ikke krangle, være sur eller lei seg, fordi det er ikke verdt det! Ofte bruker man mer tid til å ergre seg over ting som går galt, men hvis man bruker tiden på skape noe nytt, tenke på noe nytt og bra så har det mye større verdi en selve skaden. Bruk tiden på positive ting! Det lønner seg.

Se det positive i det! Noen tjente penger, noen lærte noe og verdenen gikk fremover igjen.

Quantum communication

Quantum communication

The way I see it: Santa Claus will in the future not come to internet broadband suppliers, mobile phone operators, tv cable/coax, ground broadcasting or thru air/radio/tv or satellite broadcasting, or phone companies. In other words: They will all go bankrupt. Maybe one communication central /machine in each countries will be left.


They will just stop earning money and after some time they are out of business.

What wrong did they do?

They did not do anything wrong in that sense,

but with Quantum Communication technology it will not be necessary with radio/tv broadcast wireless, fiber, coax, copper wires, or wireless communication.


New technologies in Quantum communication makes existing solutions/technologies obsolete including routers, switches and WIFI basestations. Look how nice it would be not to have TV coax cable laying in living room, no network cables and no WIFI in the house.

With Quantum Communication you can call to a planet 500 light years away! Now if you would use radio communication you would use 500 years to send “hello” wireless to the other end, and 4 seconds + 500 ears to hear “good day” back again. With Quantum communication this communication is faster than light! It is instant! No delay to call to another galaxy far far away!

To what speed in data communication can we expect? 10 Terabit easy with 1 ms delay regardless of distance. There is no radio waves to pick up as we know now, and that there is secure communication that nobody else than the two nodes connected to each other can spy on that communication.

It is coverage all over the universe, even on the backside of earth if the sender and receiver is on two different faces of the earth! The technology do not need free line of sight as normal in wireless communication. It is a complete new system.

Nearly all internet providers with technologies like this: optical fiber, coax cable, copper: ISDN, ADSL, SHDSL, analog, satellite and wireless will not be able to compete with this new technology.

Quantum communication will work on smartphones, tablets, surveillance cameras, computers, toys, smart tv like Youtube, Netflix/HBO, Apple TV, Chrome cast, TV and radio broadcasting with “full coverage anywhere without speed dropping and without packet loss”

The energy that is required for quantum communication is maybe as low as 1 unit compared to 100 unites today. Smartphone batteries will live much longer because of this!

Old Testament – When the lord comes he will speak one language that all can understand!

From the Old Testament: When the lord comes he will speak one language that all can understand!

Well the lord might come with a complete new language that is pure and everybody instant understand!


The Lord and people can download Google Translate app on App store for Apple product or Google Play store for Android! Or go to website:

There anybody can use the microphone button and speak into the mic in their language and translate from nearly any language to any language in the world that with either text or voice is played out into the other language!

Is it so hard to believe? One small step at the time – I will be there!

Estimate on how many electric cars can be made with litihuim batteries

Now some say that there is enough lithium in the world to produce about 50 million cars, my estimates are about 80 million cars. After that nobody can get hold of any new electric car.

Now today there is more than a billion cars that runs on fossile fuel!

When fossile runs out, we must have something else then lithium batteries! Hydrogen fuel cells or annhilathon of matter technology must come.

Now if would replace fossile fuels with nuclear power we would deplete the worlds uranium and plutonium resources in 1-2 years.

The only viable solution is inside this link:

I had a dream(nightmare) about a CPU system collapse world wide.

I had a dream(nightmare) about a CPU system collapse world wide.

The dream was about the following affected CPU: Intel i7 series and Intel i9 series, iPhone 5s up to iPhone 12. AMD was not affected.

What will happened to this devices?

In the dream I dreamed that this units had quantum communication circuit embedded into the cpu for the purpose of spying (and communication ) on device/user and communicating to external spy server without internet cable, no wifi, no mobile network. With quantum communication there is NO radio signals. The network speed can easy be 1 Terra bit a second with quantum communication, nearly no power is needed for transmission. I dreamed that because of a system reset to resolve a bug, will make all quantum entangled particles in their server and inside the CPU untangled and broken. This will lead to their servers and that the device you have will shutdown and never boot again. It does not help to not connect to internet by wifi, cable, or mobile data to avoid this from happening.

New circuit must be shipped out in the dream.

Now solar storms, electron burst, high magnetically forces, radio waves, radiation can also destroy the quantum entangled state.

This would lead to a world wide collapse in information systems, especially in logistics and manufacturing systems. All systems with this technological components will stop function at the same time world wide.

Now regardless if the dream is true or not, if they have made “Quantum communication circuits”, they must be reprogrammed with a new chip to work again, by now I do not know if it would be possible to download a new quantum state from internet, I do not think so.

So regardless of who manufacture what devices – if they have this “Quantum Communication Circuits” embed in the system they can collapse and stop functioning.

That is why this circuits need an extra new chip (with an entangled quantum state) to be inserted into system if it stops working! They do not have a good way to do this now as I see.

Regardless if the dream is true or not, the case itself is a real threat to established systems.

Now in the dream they told me that a huge antennae on top of a mountain is just for show, that the Digital Ground TV signals are already based on quantum communication and not radio waves. Now I took my Multi-Field EMF Meter /magnetically field, and electrical field devices detectors (two types and two different devices) and measured this sender/transmitter and it had not signals flowing! I measured other senders other places some where alive and some are “dead”.

Now if “Quantum entangled Communication” become public available as internet routers and mobile phone connection to internet/phone network, then nearly all phone and internet companies around the world will go bankrupt because we will not need them anymore.

Neural link with human is possible

Tree articles about the topic Neural link:

I have seen with my own eyes that they can read signals from my nerves at the doctor! I have seen EEG Electroencephalography in use with my own eyes in reality in a hospital.

Now if you combine two technologies as “Artificial intelligent Server” in this article:

With :


If you can finding the “signature frequency” of the human brain you can control peoples mind, thoughts, and action by implementing the desire, sexual attraction, political views, pain, joy, pleasure, religious views, disgust, will and not will.

Now this system too read peoples mind combined with AI Media server they can have a very good control of people close anywhere in the world.

As you see in the two links at the start of this article you can see that they managed to make a sensor that reads the pig brain every time it touches something with its face and reporting back by sound generation of signal to a computer that logs it.

So then they can go furter onto do it again and implement it on humans.

Example: They can make nano circuits that are so smal you can not see it with the naked eye, that they implement inside your ear, while you are sleep, they poor sleping gass into your rom so you are in narcosis and can not record what is going on with you in your bedroom. Then they implement this nano device in your ear(or maybe other organs like the brain? then this device will make a sounds like it is your voices telling you to do something. Now the nano chip can be remotely operated by somebody on the opposite side of the world(trough not radio waves but quantum entanglement and quantum communications that does not uses radio waves to communicate now) , can record what you say, it can use your voice as your internal thoughts. The nano devices runs on the bodys energy, or use other unknown long term lasting energy source.

It can even make you hear voice in the room of person that is not in the room. Then doctors or psychiatrist they will then try to say that you are schizophrenic. Some people might for the reason to get a sick note/benefit by play this game by telling lies that they hear voices in the air when this person they hear is not there. Other cases that drug abuse can make this effects, but for those that do not follow that category of faking it or drugs I truly believe that this persons it affected by a outsider/technological terror/war weapon.

Because brain is not put together to simulate other peoples voices, it is not of the brain taks task to do this simulation of voices!It is EXTERNAL SOURCE this sounds come from, to try to ruin people by dismantle the patients trustworthy status, and try to say that the person is insane to win over patient,, break down or steal from patient, or ruin health medically, psychological, political, finances (money and properties) ideologies and religious views.

I am not paranoid, I am not into any conspiracy theories, but just writing this article to make a statement that that this concepts can actually be really working live and present with the technologies we have today!